Announcing the Spring 2010 admin webcast series

Chris Miller  March 2 2010 07:13:00 AM

Consultant In Your Pocket is pleased to announce the Spring 2010 webcast series.  There are two sets to the series in the first launch that will begin in March 2010:
  • Series 1 - This is a series of free, technical and informational webcasts to get you up to speed on the latest in Lotus software
  • Series 2 - This is a bundled, or a la carte, subscription  series of webcasts providing deep technical training, information, and best practices on the latest in Lotus software

You will find the subscription content to be the top technical training you would expect to find at seminars and conferences, for a fraction of the cost with no travel needed.  Question and answer sessions with the presenters and copies of the materials will be available.

Here are sessions already scheduled and planned:
Series 1
Lotus Protector: Best of Breed Spam Protection  - special guest Victor Toal
Lotus Sametime 8.5 Introduction - special guest Gabriella Davis
Troubleshooting SMTP in Lotus Domino
Exploring the Domino Configuration Tuner
Performing a Basic Domino Server Security Audit
Understanding LDAP in Domino

Series 2
Best Practices in DAOS Deployment
Best Practices in Lotus Sametime 8.5 Installation and Deployment - special guest Gabriella Davis
Best Practices on ID Vault Deployment and Management
Best Practices for Lotus Traveler Deployment and Management
Best Practices in Domino 8.5.1 Administration

The ability to sign-up for the sessions will start this week with special discounts for early registrants.

Consultant In Your Pocket is a Spiked Studio Production