Understanding LDAP in Domino - March 31 2010

Chris Miller  March 17 2010 03:58:30 PM

The next date is set for another FREE Series 1 webinar.  Spend an hour and fifteen minutes learning about Understanding LDAP in Domino.  Here is the excerpt for what you can expect:
Many enterprises overlook Domino as the key LDAP directory source.  Lotus Domino is a scalable LDAP directory source supporting clustering, aggregated and federated directory services.  Explore network and topology design tips that help to guide your decisions in architecture, management, and security. Take away  best practices on building an aggregated directory infrastructure with Directory Assistance or as a federated source. Walk away with an understanding of how to service all of the Lotus collaboration software securely and easily.

Registration is now open for this exciting beginning to the series.